
Sing Sing Sing
I am bliss!


A musical poem, woven of sitar, stringed instruments, Venezuelan percussion and cricket chirps and traffic sounds of automobiles in the Himalayas, celebrates how the laps of the Himalayas have provided calm and solace to the ones who seek spiritual understanding and psychic clarity.
The Himalayan foothills have served as an inspiration for the spiritually inclined to drop everything and run to its forests, and the city of Dharmshala is the home to HH Dalai Lama; and the region is charged with Hindu and Buddhist meditational currents.
Buddhism makes us confront emptiness, that things are not what they appear to be, so, the sooner one confronts this truth, the easier it will be for one to lead a mindful existence, but many Hindu streams compromised on this idea, one that allowed us to celebrate life's passions while being mindful, and after one's passions become extinguished the Hindu stream allows us all to renounce worldly attachments and take refuge in the forests of the Himalayas.
Indeed if you are pushing 60s, you might consider identifying your favourite meditational spot in the Himalayan laps.

Live along the forest side, on the foothills of the Himalayas, playing along with deep sounds of the forests' crickets!


Echoes of I know you riders are found in the song.