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Sing Sing Sing
I am bliss!


Mahamaya, the great illusion, guides this tale of a stockbroker who flees the turmoil of the 2008 Stock Market crash, seeking solace in the tranquil faithscapes of Southeast Asia. As he wanders through rice fields, mountains, and rivers, he finds his soulmate beside a gentle riverbank. Together, they participate in the traditional Thai festival of Loi Kratong, releasing floating lanterns into the serene water an the sky, and in doing so, they discover that the most precious asset of all is Love.

Our banking system is capitalised too thin! almost showing that the tall macho phallic structures of te Big Apple are sitting on blades!

I’m flying high in a big
I am rolling inside
I’m flying high
in a big
I’ve bid my conscience
Good bye
Rolling upside down in big circles
what a dizzy ride!!!